多媒體技術的發展給展館帶來了更豐富的視覺效果和表達形式,繼而產生的繁多的設備管控工作,給管理人員帶來了一定的管理難度。我們為各種展館搭建了展廳中控系統進行管理優化,它是利用物聯網技術,通過移動端 / PC 端對展館的聲光電設備以及數字內容進行統一化操縱管理的系統。精準管理,提升效率,降低運維難度。
The development of multimedia technology brings more visual effects and forms of expression to the exhibition hall, and then produces a variety of equipment control work, which brings some management difficulties to the management staff. We set up the exhibition hall internal control system for various exhibition halls for management optimization. It is a unified control and management system for audio-optical equipment and digital content of the exhibition halls through mobile terminal /PC terminal using Internet of Things technology. Accurate management, improve efficiency, reduce the difficulty of operation and maintenance.
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